我们的成员 / Our Team

MBBS, MRCPCH, Paediatric Endocrinology
王诗玲医生位于马来西亚雪兰莪州的哥打白沙罗,是双威白沙罗专科医疗中心的儿科医生(MRCPCH 英国)并专注于儿科内分泌学(马来西亚,澳大利亚)。她平常会咨询婴儿和儿童疾病,包括疫苗接种以及内分泌疾病。 她是《马来西亚儿科议定书》、《马来西亚甲状腺疾病管理临床实践指南》、《马来西亚先天性甲状腺功能减退症共识指南》的撰稿人,也是《星期日星报》健康专栏《激素与儿童》的每月撰稿人。 此外,她是国家专科注册(NSR)儿科内分泌小组委员会和马来西亚儿科内分泌糖尿病组(MPEDG) 的重要成员。透过为各政府医院服务,王医生在其儿科部门也获得了多个卓越奖。
Dr. Jeanne Wong Sze Lyn
MBBS, MRCPCH, Paediatric Endocrinology
Dr. Jeanne Wong is a General Paediatrician (MRCPCH UK) and Paediatric Endocrinologist (Malaysia, Australia) at Sunway Specialist Centre Damansara, Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia. She sees various baby and childhood conditions, including vaccinations and endocrine conditions. She authors for the Malaysian Paediatric Protocol; Malaysia Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Thyroid Disorders; Consensus Guidelines on Congenital Hypothyroidism in Malaysia and the Sunday Star newspaper’s health column titled Hormones and Kids. In addition, she holds important positions in the National Specialist Register (NSR) Paediatric Endocrinology subcommittee and Malaysian Paediatric Endocrine Diabetes Group (MPEDG). She has also received multiple excellence awards for her service in Paediatric Departments throughout the years of her practice in various government hospitals.

邢芬是安大略省注册的社会工作者和注册心理治疗师。她是安大略省认可的临床督导, Fentherapy心悦心理的创始人。 邢芬有多年为不同背景的人提供心理治疗的经验。她专门为遇到情绪困难的客人提供心理治疗服务,例如焦虑、抑郁、创伤后障碍问题等。她的工作热情也旨在帮助夫妻和家庭减少冲突和增加家庭和睦。邢芬的临床心理治疗方法整合了不同的心理学疗法,包括认知行为疗法、创伤知情、正念、临床催眠、情绪聚焦疗法。邢芬精通英文和普通话,也可以在工作中使用粤语。
Fen Xing
Fen Xing is a Registered Social Worker (OCSWSSW) and Registered Psychotherapist in the Province of Ontario (CRPO). She is an approved clinical supervisor in Ontario, founder at Fen Psychotherapy & Counselling. Fen has years of experience providing psychotherapy to people from different backgrounds. She specializes in providing psychotherapy service to clients experiencing emotional difficulties,such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic disorder issues. Her passion is also to help couples and families to reduce their conflict and increase their family harmony. Her clinical approach integrates different models, such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Trauma-informed, Mindfulness, Clinical Hypnosis, Emotionally Focused Therapy. Fen is fluent in English and Mandarin, with limited working proficiency in Cantonese.

李博士 (Winnie) 是多伦多大学临床药学博士毕业的安省注册药剂师。作为多伦多市中心天辉药房的创始人,Winnie致力于为当地华人社区提供医疗健康方面的服务。作为一名新移民,Winnie非常理解其他新移民在接触本地医疗系统时面临的挑战。为了保证病人能够方便、快捷地得到靠谱的药房服务,她设置了包括微信服务号在内的网络咨询渠道。除此之外,她还与非营利性华人医疗者组织 AIME 合作举办健康讲座。去年,她因举办多次讲座而获得 AIME 社区服务奖。她平时还经营小红书账号,科普药剂师和药房相关的知识,让更多华人了解这个对他们来说有些陌生的行业。
因为Winnie和她的药房往往是新移民第一次接触本地医疗系统的开始,所以她会花更多心思帮助病人们熟悉复杂的加拿大医疗系统,同时帮助建立病人对系统以及本地医疗工作人员的信任。她的热情和奉献精神得到其他药剂师的认可,获得了今年 Wholehealth 总统选择大奖。
Dr. Winnie Li
Winnie Li is a registered pharmacist and owner of Radiant Pharmacy in downtown Toronto. With a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Toronto, Winnie has dedicated her career to serving the local Chinese community and breaking down barriers to healthcare access.
As a new immigrant herself, Winnie understands the challenges that newcomers may face when navigating a foreign healthcare system. That’s why she’s gone above and beyond to ensure her patients can access her services through multiple channels, including online platforms like Wechat. Her dedication to her community also extends to hosting informative healthcare seminars in partnership with AIME, a non-profit Chinese healthcare provider organization. Last year, she was awarded the AIME Community Service Award for her many speaking engagements at healthcare seminars. She also manages social media accounts to raise awareness of the important role pharmacists play in the healthcare system, particularly for those who may not be familiar with the profession.
Winnie takes pride in being the first point of contact for her patients. She’s committed to helping them navigate the complex Canadian healthcare system and building their trust and confidence in seeking proper treatment. Her passion and dedication have been recognized with the Wholehealth President’s Choice award this year.

安省注册护士橘子,毕业于英属哥伦比亚大学 (University of British Columbia) 护理学院,以及多伦多大学 (University of Toronto) 健康与疾病和细胞系统生物双学位的文理科学院。她目前在急诊科工作,通过成人急诊和儿科急症方面的专业知识而服务社会。除了临床工作外,橘子还是好韵母婴护理站的创始人,致力于为母亲及其家庭提供个性化的产前和产后服务。此外,橘子和她的公司还通过公益科普类讲座和活动,定期与广大公众分享孕产育儿医疗方面的专业知识。目前她的讲座已经影响了超过2000名华人微信用户,她致力于回报海外华人社会,帮助更多有需要的同胞。
Karen Liu
Karen Liu is a registered nurse with a nursing degree from the University of British Columbia and a double major in Health and Disease and Cell Systems Biology from the University of Toronto. Currently working in the emergency department, Karen is contributing to the community with her expertise in acute care and children emergencies. In addition to her clinical work, Karen is the founder of PregoWell Inc., a company dedicated to providing personalized prenatal and postpartum services to mothers and their families. Karen is also a self-media blogger, regularly sharing her expertise in the medical aspect of pregnancy and childcare with the general public through nonprofit free lectures. Her lectures have impacted over 2000 online Chinese users on WeChat, and her dedication to educating and empowering the Chinese community has earned her recognition as a maternal childcare influencer.

何医生是万锦市的一名儿科及顾问医生。她于新泽西州儿童医院 (Children’s Hospital of New Jersey) 完成住院医师培训,并于多伦多病童医院完成了住院专科培训,專注於照顾有急症需要留院以及有复合护理需要的小朋友。她曾经在Rutgers New Jersey Medical School 任职助理教授,以及在费城儿童医院 (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) 任职住院部医生。在中国广州土生土长的何医生,很高兴可以回馈给说国语和广东话的社群!在医学以外,她喜欢和丈夫,还有他们两岁的儿子一起,她最近还喜欢上了做运动,锻炼身体!
Dr. Jackie Lui (He)
Dr. Lui is a primary and consultant Pediatrician in Markham. She completed her Pediatric residency and chief residency from Children’s Hospital of New Jersey, and a Pediatric Hospital Medicine fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children, where she cared for children who were acutely ill in the hospital, and children with complex medical conditions. Before coming to Toronto, she was an assistant professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and a hospitalist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Lui was born and raised in Guangzhou, China, and she is very excited to give back to the Mandarin/Cantonese community! Outside of medicine, she enjoys spending time with husband and their toddler boy, and she recently started enjoying working out!

区嘉贤毕业于多伦多大学 (University of Toronto) 的心理健康和神经科学荣誉理学士,并在约克大学 (York University) 完成了发展心理学硕士学位,并获得Meighen Wright 母婴健康研究生奖学金。她主要研究儿童的认知发展,以及神经发育障碍。她致力促进儿童发展、孕产妇的心理健康和亲子关系。凭借她来自香港的文化背景,她很高兴能以研究协调员的身份加入粤语和国语版「孩子们的健康」!
Michelle Au
Michelle Au completed her Honours Bachelor of Science in Mental Health Studies and Neuroscience at the University of Toronto. She has also obtained her Master of Art in Developmental Psychology at York University, and received the Meighen Wright Maternal-Child Health Graduate Scholarship. Her research focuses on child cognitive development in relation to neurodevelopmental disorders. She is dedicated to promoting child development, maternal mental health, and parental relationship. With her cultural background from Hong Kong, she is excited to join as a Research and Community Coordinator for both the Cantonese and Mandarin Kids’ Health teams!