Frequently Asked Questions
你们提供个别医疗服务吗? / Do you provide personal medical services?
OKH 很高兴分享一般的健康资讯,以支持你家人的健康。可是,我们无法提供直接的医疗建议,但我们鼓励你根据你的需要,与你的医疗保健提供者讨论和寻求协助。
OKH is pleased to share general health information to support the wellbeing of your family. We are unable to provide direct medical advice and encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider or seek medical attention, as required.
你们提供面对面的医疗服务吗? / Do you provide in-person medical services?
OKH 是一项基于社交媒体的健康计划,我们不提供面对面或网上医疗服务。
OKH is a social-media based health promotion program and does not facilitate in-person or virtual medical care.
拍摄视频的提供者会否获得报酬? / Do the providers get paid to film videos?
The healthcare providers who contribute to our content design and delivery do not receive compensation from OKH.
你们位于哪里? / Where are you based?
OKH 位于多伦多的圣迈可医院 (St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto) ,并欢迎来自世界各地为 OKH 频道贡献的人。
OKH is based at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and welcomes contributors for the OKH channels from across the world.
你从哪里得到你的资讯? / Where do you get your information?
We aim to share evidence-based health information that is reviewed by our expert review panel, in keeping with best practices and guidelines (as per professional bodies such as the Canadian Pediatrics Society).
你如何决定创建哪些内容? / How do you decide which content to create?
OKH 是一项由社区主导的计划,优先专注这个网络社群的观点、价值观和需求。我们欢迎任何问题和评论,以帮助指导我们的频道内容。如果你有任何问题,请点击<此处>。各 OKH 的文化频道都会以社群成员和机构的建议和参与为指引。
OKH is a community-led initiative, that focuses on the priorities, perspectives, values and needs of our online community. We welcome questions and comments to help guide our content. If you would like to submit a question please click <here>.
你的团队可以接受媒体采访吗? / Is your team available for media interviews?
我能如何帮忙? / How can I contribute?